pp108 : Modifying Monitoring and Crash Recovery Settings

Modifying Monitoring and Crash Recovery Settings

This topic describes the procedure to modify monitoring and crash recovery settings for published business processes.

Before you begin this task:
You must have the Process Administrator role in Process PlatformBusiness Process Engine ISVpackage to modify the monitoring and crash recovery settings for a published business process.

Do any one of the following to modify the monitoring and crash recovery settings for a published process:



From Deployed Process Models

  1. In the My Applications App Palette, click (Deployed Process Models). The Deployed Process Models dialog box appears.
  2. Right-click the process for which you want to modify monitoring and crash recovery settings and select (Customize Configuration). Alternatively, select the check box of the deployed process, and click the enabled (Customize Configuration) on the toolbar. The Monitoring and Crash recovery settings window appears. Refer Monitoring and Crash Recovery interface for more information on the fields that appear on the Monitoring and Crash recovery settings dialog box.
  3. Select the appropriate options for modifying monitoring and crash recovery settings in the Monitoring and Crash recovery settings window and click .

Through ExecuteProcess Web Service

<ExecuteProcess xmlns="http://schemas.cordys.com/bpm/execution/1.0">
    <type>[definition | instance]</type>
    <receiver>[ Unique identifier to the process ]</receiver>
    <source>[Custom instantiation source]</source>
    <modelSpace>[Organization | ISV]</modelSpace>
    <monitor level="BASIC | INTERMEDIATE | COMPLETE | COMPLETE_ON_ERROR">[ON | OFF] </monitor>
    <crashRecovery>[ ON | OFF ]</crashRecovery>
    <priority>[ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 ]</priority>
    <message>[Any XML message (if required) by the process]</message>

In the above ExecuteProcess Web Service, consider the following:


* BASIC denotes the Process Status

  • INTERMEDIATE denotes Start and End messages
  • COMPLETE denotes Store complete process level information
  • COMPLETE_ON_ERROR denotes Store complete process level information when the process aborts

You have successfully modified the monitoring and crash recovery settings for a published business process.

Related concepts

Process Instance Manager

Related reference

Business Process Model Properties Interface
Filter Process Instances Interface
Statuses of a Process Instance

Related information

Composite Application Logging
Using Logging Service in a Business Process